Bow Legs No More
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The Holistic Approach

Bow legs are observable when a person who is standing with their feet together still displays a considerable gap between their knees. This condition is often seen in children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years but sometimes can also occur in adults. There are several factors behind bow legs in adults. For example, they may result from a Vitamin D deficiency, more general malnutrition, a disease known as Blount's disease, or even something as unusual as lead or fluoride poisoning. In certain cases, it's also possible for bow legs to be the result of a broken bone which hasn't been treated properly or healed completely.

Can bow legs be treated?
Yes, of course, there are actually several natural ways to treat bow legs that don't involve surgery. You might want to try a treatment regimen that involves special exercises and movements, some stretching techniques, and specific dietary supplements.

Strengthening exercises
Exercises such as squats and calf raises can be very effective in strengthening the muscles that support the affected joints of the knee, hip, shoulder and back vertebrae. These exercises emphasize proper joint movement, balance, core strength, and also play a role in helping you to maintain correct posture.

Stretching routines
Yoga and Pilates are excellent ways of stretching the human body. They also allow your body's core to become stronger and thus help you improve your balance, which can lead to a considerable improvement in your overall posture. Because posture and core strength are vital to improving bow legs, stretching exercises certainly have their role in treating the condition.

It's crucial that you never underestimate how important a proper diet in order for your body to work and function optimally. Vitamin deficiencies need to be corrected right away, as they can both accentuate bow legs and worsen their severity. Calcium and Vitamin D play important roles in any cure for bow legs. Including Omega fatty acids in your diet can also go a long way towards improving your bow legs. These fatty acids are easily found in seeds and fish oil and are critically important in helping your body to build and maintain specific tissues. Omega fatty acids are a crucial part of any holistic or natural treatment for bow legs.

Certainly worth trying!
Of course, the efficacy of any treatment for bow legs will vary between individuals. This is especially the case if you're seeking a natural and painless method for straightening them. However, if you're confident that you've got the determination, patience and willingness to actually work at these natural remedies in a way that's consistent, there's no reason to opt for surgery without trying them first. There's so little to lose, but certainly so much to gain!

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